Words from letters SCRABBLE-CHEAT
10 letter words:
- breathable17
- searchable17
9 letter words:
- catchable18
- bleachers16
- chartable16
- chaseable16
- cheatable16
- reachable16
- teachable16
- cablecast15
- leachates14
- shareable14
- acerbates13
- bracelets13
- creatable13
- traceable13
- lacerates11
8 letter words:
- batchers15
- belchers15
- bleacher15
- bleaches15
- brachets15
- breaches15
- caleches15
- cashable15
- catchers15
- cratches15
- seabeach15
- seecatch15
- cascabel14
- cascable14
- clabbers14
- scrabble14
- alcahest13
- blathers13
- blethers13
- breathes13
- cheaters13
- chelates13
- earaches13
- halberts13
- hateable13
- hearable13
- heatable13
- hectares13
- leachate13
- leachers13
- recheats13
- sharable13
- teachers13
- tracheae13
- tracheal13
- tracheas13
- trachles13
- abreacts12
- accretes12
- acerbate12
- acerbest12
- bearable12
- bearcats12
- beatable12
- berascal12
- bracelet12
- bracteal12
- cabarets12
- cabresta12
- calceate12
- cartable12
- castable12
- halteres11
- hetaeras11
- leathers11
- trehalas11
- arbalest10
- arbelest10
- bleaters10
- clearest10
- eatables10
- erasable10
- escalate10
- lacerate10
- ratables10
- rateable10
- restable10
- retables10
- tearable10
- teasable10
- treacles10
7 letter words:
- chebecs16
- batcher14
- batches14
- beaches14
- belcher14
- belches14
- braches14
- brachet14
- cachets14
- caleche14
- catcher14
- catches14
- creches14
- sabbath14
- scratch14
- screech14
- baccate13
- clabber13
- scabble13
- bathers12
- berthas12
- bethels12
- bharals12
- blather12
- blether12
- breathe12
- breaths12
- chaetae12
- chaetal12
- chalets12
- chaster12
- cheater12
- chelate12
- clasher12
- earache12
- escheat12
- etchers12
- halbert12
- hatable12
- hectare12
- herbals12
- larches12
- latches12
- leacher12
- leaches12
- lechers12
- letches12
- rachets12
- ratches12
- reaches12
- recheat12
- retches12
- reteach12
- satchel12
- sherbet12
- teacher12
- teaches12
- trachea12
- trachle12
- abreact11
- accrete11
- actable11
- barbate11
- barbels11
- barbets11
- bearcat11
- cabaret11
- cablers11
- cablets11
- calcars11
- carcase11
- carcels11
- rabbets11
- rabbles11
- saccate11
- slabber11
- stabber11
- aethers10
- altheas10
- haltere10
- halters10
- harslet10
- hartals10
- healers10
- heaters10
- hetaera10
- lathers10
- leather10
- reheats10
- shelter10
- slather10
- thalers10
- trehala10
- abaters9
- ablates9
- abreast9
- acerate9
- acetals9
- arables9
- beaters9
- belters9
- berates9
- blaster9
- bleater9
- carates9
- cartels9
- caseate9
- celesta9
- cerates9
- cereals9
- clarets9
- creates9
- crestal9
- eatable9
- ecartes9
- labrets9
- lactase9
- ratable9
- rebates9
- relaces9
- rescale9
- retable9
- scalare9
- scarlet9
- sclerae9
- stabler9
- tercels9
- treacle9
- trebles9
- aerates7
- elaters7
- realest7
- relates7
- reslate7
- stealer7
6 letter words:
- chebec15
- baches13
- bleach13
- brachs13
- breach13
- breech13
- caches13
- cachet13
- casbah13
- clachs13
- cratch13
- creche13
- baccae12
- arches11
- basher11
- bather11
- bathes11
- behest11
- bertha11
- berths11
- bethel11
- bharal11
- breath11
- calash11
- chaeta11
- chalet11
- charas11
- chares11
- charts11
- chaser11
- chaste11
- cheats11
- cheers11
- chelae11
- chelas11
- cherts11
- creesh11
- eschar11
- etcher11
- etches11
- herbal11
- laches11
- lecher11
- leches11
- rachet11
- rehabs11
- sachet11
- scathe11
- search11
- slatch11
- starch11
- taches11
- thebes11
- thecae11
- thecal11
- babels10
- barbal10
- barbel10
- barbes10
- barbet10
- barcas10
- braces10
- bracts10
- cabals10
- cabers10
- cabler10
- cables10
- cablet10
- caecal10
- calcar10
- calces10
- carcel10
- celebs10
- cercal10
- ebbets10
- rabbet10
- rabble10
- rebbes10
- rebecs10
- recces10
- sabbat10
- scarab10
- scarce10
- aether9
- althea9
- arhats9
- ashlar9
- ashler9
- earths9
- ethers9
- haeres9
- halers9
- halest9
- halter9
- hartal9
- haslet9
- haters9
- healer9
- hearse9
- hearts9
- heater9
- hereat9
- lahars9
- lasher9
- lather9
- lathes9
- lethes9
- reheat9
- shelta9
- thaler9
- theres9
- threes9
- abaser8
- abater8
- abates8
- abeles8
- ablate8
- ablest8
- acetal8
- arable8
- arecas8
- balers8
- barest8
- basalt8
- baster8
- beater8
- belter8
- berate8
- berets8
- betels8
- blares8
- blears8
- bleats8
- breast8
- caesar8
- calesa8
- carate8
- carats8
- carets8
- carles8
- cartel8
- cartes8
- caster8
- castle8
- caters8
- cerate8
- cereal8
- certes8
- claret8
- clears8
- cleats8
- craals8
- crates8
- crease8
- create8
- creels8
- ecarte8
- eclats8
- elects8
- erects8
- labret8
- lacers8
- lascar8
- rabats8
- rascal8
- reacts8
- rebate8
- rebels8
- recast8
- rectal8
- relace8
- resect8
- sacral8
- scalar8
- scaler8
- sclera8
- secret8
- select8
- stable8
- tabers8
- tablas8
- tables8
- tercel8
- terces8
- traces8
- treble8
- aerate6
- alates6
- alerts6
- altars6
- alters6
- aretes6
- artels6
- astral6
- easter6
- eaters6
- elater6
- elates6
- estral6
- larees6
- laster6
- leaser6
- ratals6
- ratels6
- reales6
- reatas6
- relate6
- relets6
- resale6
- reseal6
- reseat6
- salter6
- sealer6
- seater6
- slater6
- staler6
- stelae6
- stelar6
- streel6
- talars6
- talers6
- tarsal6
- teasel6
- teaser6
5 letter words:
- batch12
- beach12
- beech12
- belch12
- brach12
- cache12
- catch12
- clach12
- bacca11
- abash10
- aches10
- bahts10
- bathe10
- baths10
- berth10
- beths10
- blahs10
- brash10
- chare10
- chars10
- chart10
- chase10
- chats10
- cheat10
- cheer10
- chela10
- chert10
- chest10
- clash10
- crash10
- eches10
- hebes10
- herbs10
- larch10
- latch10
- leach10
- leech10
- letch10
- ratch10
- reach10
- rehab10
- retch10
- tache10
- tachs10
- teach10
- techs10
- thebe10
- theca10
- abbas9
- abbes9
- acerb9
- babas9
- babel9
- babes9
- barbe9
- barbs9
- barca9
- blabs9
- blebs9
- brace9
- bract9
- cabal9
- caber9
- cable9
- cacas9
- caeca9
- carbs9
- cecal9
- celeb9
- crabs9
- ebbet9
- rebbe9
- rebec9
- recce9
- arhat8
- earth8
- ether8
- haars8
- haets8
- haler8
- hales8
- halts8
- hares8
- harls8
- harts8
- haste8
- hater8
- hates8
- heals8
- hears8
- heart8
- heats8
- heels8
- heres8
- herls8
- lahar8
- lathe8
- laths8
- leash8
- lehrs8
- lethe8
- rathe8
- rheas8
- selah8
- shale8
- shalt8
- share8
- sheal8
- shear8
- sheer8
- sheet8
- tahrs8
- there8
- these8
- three8
- trash8
- abase7
- abate7
- abele7
- abets7
- abler7
- ables7
- aceta7
- acres7
- albas7
- alecs7
- areca7
- baals7
- balas7
- baler7
- bales7
- balsa7
- bares7
- basal7
- baser7
- baste7
- bates7
- bears7
- beast7
- beats7
- beers7
- beets7
- belts7
- beret7
- beset7
- betas7
- betel7
- blare7
- blase7
- blast7
- blate7
- blats7
- blear7
- bleat7
- blest7
- blets7
- braes7
- brats7
- brees7
- carat7
- cares7
- caret7
- carle7
- carls7
- carse7
- carte7
- carts7
- caste7
- cater7
- cates7
- cease7
- celts7
- ceres7
- cesta7
- cetes7
- clast7
- clear7
- cleat7
- craal7
- crate7
- creel7
- crest7
- eclat7
- elect7
- erect7
- escar7
- labra7
- lacer7
- laces7
- rabat7
- races7
- react7
- rebel7
- recta7
- sabal7
- saber7
- sable7
- sabra7
- sabre7
- sacra7
- scale7
- scare7
- scart7
- scree7
- serac7
- taber7
- tabes7
- tabla7
- table7
- taces7
- talcs7
- terce7
- trace7
- alate5
- alert5
- altar5
- alter5
- areae5
- areal5
- areas5
- arete5
- arles5
- artal5
- artel5
- aster5
- atlas5
- earls5
- easel5
- eater5
- elate5
- erase5
- ester5
- laree5
- lares5
- laser5
- later5
- lears5
- lease5
- least5
- leers5
- leets5
- rales5
- ratal5
- ratel5
- rates5
- reals5
- reata5
- reels5
- reest5
- relet5
- resat5
- reset5
- saree5
- seral5
- setae5
- setal5
- slate5
- sleet5
- stale5
- stare5
- steal5
- steel5
- steer5
- stela5
- stele5
- stere5
- taels5
- talar5
- talas5
- taler5
- tales5
- tares5
- teals5
- tears5
- tease5
- teels5
- telae5
- teles5
- terse5
- tesla5
- trees5
4 letter words:
- bach11
- ache9
- arch9
- baht9
- bash9
- bath9
- beth9
- blah9
- cash9
- char9
- chat9
- each9
- eche9
- echt9
- etch9
- hebe9
- herb9
- lech9
- tach9
- tech9
- abba8
- abbe8
- baba8
- babe8
- barb8
- blab8
- bleb8
- cabs8
- caca8
- carb8
- ceca8
- crab8
- ebbs8
- scab8
- aahs7
- eath7
- eths7
- haar7
- haes7
- haet7
- hale7
- halt7
- hare7
- harl7
- hart7
- hast7
- hate7
- hats7
- heal7
- hear7
- heat7
- heel7
- here7
- herl7
- hers7
- hest7
- hets7
- lash7
- lath7
- lehr7
- rash7
- rath7
- resh7
- rhea7
- shat7
- shea7
- tahr7
- thae7
- thee7
- abas6
- abet6
- able6
- aces6
- acre6
- acta6
- acts6
- alba6
- albs6
- alec6
- arbs6
- arcs6
- baal6
- baas6
- bale6
- bals6
- bare6
- bars6
- base6
- bast6
- bate6
- bats6
- bear6
- beat6
- beer6
- bees6
- beet6
- bels6
- belt6
- best6
- beta6
- bets6
- blae6
- blat6
- blet6
- brae6
- bras6
- brat6
- bree6
- care6
- carl6
- cars6
- cart6
- casa6
- case6
- cast6
- cate6
- cats6
- cees6
- cels6
- celt6
- cere6
- cete6
- labs6
- lace6
- lacs6
- race6
- rebs6
- recs6
- sabe6
- scar6
- scat6
- sect6
- slab6
- stab6
- tabs6
- tace6
- talc6
- aals4
- alae4
- alar4
- alas4
- alee4
- ales4
- alts4
- area4
- ares4
- arse4
- arts4
- asea4
- ates4
- earl4
- ears4
- ease4
- east4
- eats4
- eels4
- else4
- eras4
- erst4
- etas4
- lars4
- lase4
- last4
- late4
- lats4
- lear4
- leas4
- leer4
- lees4
- leet4
- lest4
- lets4
- rale4
- rase4
- rate4
- rats4
- real4
- reel4
- rees4
- rest4
- rete4
- rets4
- sale4
- salt4
- sate4
- seal4
- sear4
- seat4
- seel4
- seer4
- sera4
- sere4
- seta4
- slat4
- star4
- tael4
- tala4
- tale4
- tare4
- tars4
- teal4
- tear4
- teas4
- teel4
- tees4
- tela4
- tele4
- tels4
- tree4
- tres4
- tsar4
3 letter words:
- bah8
- cab7
- ebb7
- ahs6
- ash6
- hae6
- has6
- her6
- hes6
- rah6
- sha6
- she6
- aba5
- abs5
- ace5
- alb5
- arb5
- arc5
- baa5
- bal5
- bar5
- bas5
- bee5
- bel5
- bes5
- bra5
- car5
- cee5
- cel5
- lab5
- lac5
- reb5
- rec5
- sab5
- sac5
- sec5
- aas3
- ale3
- als3
- are3
- ars3
- ear3
- eel3
- els3
- era3
- ere3
- ers3
- lar3
- las3
- lea3
- lee3
- les3
- ras3
- ree3
- res3
- sae3
- sal3
- sea3
- see3
- sel3
- ser3
SCRABBLE-CHEAT - Questions and Answers (FAQ)
- What words can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-CHEAT?
- What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-CHEAT?
- What anagrams can be formed from the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT?
- How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters S,C,R,A,B,B,L,E,-,C,H,E,A,T?
- How many letters does the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?
What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-CHEAT?
The longest word that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-CHEAT is the word Breathable. Number of letters: 10.The second longest word is the word Searchable. Number of letters: 10.
What anagrams can be formed from the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT?
Unfortunately, in English, there is no word that is an anagram of the word Scrabble-Cheat.How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters S,C,R,A,B,B,L,E,-,C,H,E,A,T?
The highest-scoring word that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-CHEAT is the word Catchable. The number of points that can be earned for it is: 18.The second highest-scoring word is the word Breathable. The possible number of points is: 17.How many letters does the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?
Word Scrabble-Cheat - number of letters: 14. The word Scrabble-Cheat contains vowels. The number of vowels is: 4. The list of vowels present in this word is: A, A, E, E. The word Scrabble-Cheat contains consonants. The number of consonants is: 10. The list of consonants present in this word is: -, B, B, C, C, H, L, R, S, T.How to properly pronounce the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT?
Letter Analysis - word SCRABBLECHEAT
The word SCRABBLE-CHEAT, after removing repeating characters, consists of the letters: A, B, C, E, H, L, R, S, T. Below, we will analyze each one of them.
The letter A in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 16 | 0,1 |
3 | 76 | 0,7 |
4 | 196 | 1,8 |
5 | 513 | 4,8 |
6 | 854 | 7,9 |
7 | 1292 | 12,0 |
8 | 1676 | 15,6 |
9 | 1870 | 17,4 |
10 | 1431 | 13,3 |
11 | 1074 | 10,0 |
12 | 741 | 6,9 |
13 | 502 | 4,7 |
14 | 323 | 3,0 |
15 | 207 | 1,9 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 12 | 0,4 |
3 | 41 | 1,3 |
4 | 213 | 6,7 |
5 | 389 | 12,3 |
6 | 469 | 14,8 |
7 | 641 | 20,3 |
8 | 535 | 16,9 |
9 | 381 | 12,0 |
10 | 209 | 6,6 |
11 | 126 | 4,0 |
12 | 71 | 2,2 |
13 | 37 | 1,2 |
14 | 29 | 0,9 |
15 | 11 | 0,3 |
Number of occurrences of the letter A | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 82477 | 46,2 |
1 | 73903 | 41,4 |
2 | 20044 | 11,2 |
3 | 2108 | 1,2 |
4 | 156 | 0,1 |
5 | 3 | 0,0 |
The letter B in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,1 |
3 | 53 | 0,5 |
4 | 262 | 2,6 |
5 | 621 | 6,2 |
6 | 1113 | 11,2 |
7 | 1668 | 16,7 |
8 | 1933 | 19,4 |
9 | 1699 | 17,0 |
10 | 1105 | 11,1 |
11 | 704 | 7,1 |
12 | 392 | 3,9 |
13 | 222 | 2,2 |
14 | 128 | 1,3 |
15 | 68 | 0,7 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 1 | 0,4 |
3 | 53 | 20,5 |
4 | 61 | 23,6 |
5 | 38 | 14,7 |
6 | 36 | 14,0 |
7 | 24 | 9,3 |
8 | 24 | 9,3 |
9 | 18 | 7,0 |
10 | 2 | 0,8 |
11 | 1 | 0,4 |
Number of occurrences of the letter B | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 150977 | 84,5 |
1 | 25455 | 14,2 |
2 | 2109 | 1,2 |
3 | 149 | 0,1 |
4 | 1 | 0,0 |
The letter C in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
3 | 39 | 0,2 |
4 | 237 | 1,4 |
5 | 681 | 4,1 |
6 | 1335 | 8,0 |
7 | 2127 | 12,8 |
8 | 2764 | 16,7 |
9 | 2728 | 16,4 |
10 | 2187 | 13,2 |
11 | 1640 | 9,9 |
12 | 1207 | 7,3 |
13 | 804 | 4,8 |
14 | 518 | 3,1 |
15 | 321 | 1,9 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
3 | 19 | 0,5 |
4 | 28 | 0,7 |
5 | 99 | 2,5 |
6 | 229 | 5,8 |
7 | 395 | 10,0 |
8 | 620 | 15,7 |
9 | 666 | 16,9 |
10 | 524 | 13,3 |
11 | 480 | 12,2 |
12 | 388 | 9,9 |
13 | 268 | 6,8 |
14 | 138 | 3,5 |
15 | 83 | 2,1 |
Number of occurrences of the letter C | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 123087 | 68,9 |
1 | 47566 | 26,6 |
2 | 7539 | 4,2 |
3 | 470 | 0,3 |
4 | 29 | 0,0 |
The letter E in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 10 | 0,1 |
3 | 40 | 0,6 |
4 | 106 | 1,5 |
5 | 198 | 2,8 |
6 | 465 | 6,5 |
7 | 830 | 11,6 |
8 | 1170 | 16,3 |
9 | 1286 | 17,9 |
10 | 1050 | 14,6 |
11 | 725 | 10,1 |
12 | 559 | 7,8 |
13 | 381 | 5,3 |
14 | 208 | 2,9 |
15 | 156 | 2,2 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 12 | 0,1 |
3 | 86 | 0,5 |
4 | 526 | 2,9 |
5 | 949 | 5,3 |
6 | 1785 | 10,0 |
7 | 2537 | 14,2 |
8 | 3357 | 18,8 |
9 | 3337 | 18,7 |
10 | 1951 | 10,9 |
11 | 1416 | 7,9 |
12 | 886 | 5,0 |
13 | 569 | 3,2 |
14 | 305 | 1,7 |
15 | 135 | 0,8 |
Number of occurrences of the letter E | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 54448 | 30,5 |
1 | 77229 | 43,2 |
2 | 36901 | 20,7 |
3 | 8844 | 4,9 |
4 | 1165 | 0,7 |
5 | 104 | 0,1 |
The letter H in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,1 |
3 | 50 | 0,8 |
4 | 191 | 2,9 |
5 | 349 | 5,4 |
6 | 592 | 9,1 |
7 | 896 | 13,8 |
8 | 1038 | 16,0 |
9 | 996 | 15,3 |
10 | 777 | 12,0 |
11 | 577 | 8,9 |
12 | 431 | 6,6 |
13 | 267 | 4,1 |
14 | 203 | 3,1 |
15 | 126 | 1,9 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,2 |
3 | 25 | 1,2 |
4 | 110 | 5,3 |
5 | 259 | 12,5 |
6 | 322 | 15,5 |
7 | 372 | 17,9 |
8 | 430 | 20,7 |
9 | 290 | 14,0 |
10 | 129 | 6,2 |
11 | 70 | 3,4 |
12 | 27 | 1,3 |
13 | 21 | 1,0 |
14 | 7 | 0,3 |
15 | 10 | 0,5 |
Number of occurrences of the letter H | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 144620 | 80,9 |
1 | 31428 | 17,6 |
2 | 2593 | 1,5 |
3 | 50 | 0,0 |
The letter L in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 3 | 0,1 |
3 | 45 | 0,8 |
4 | 215 | 4,0 |
5 | 416 | 7,8 |
6 | 661 | 12,4 |
7 | 846 | 15,9 |
8 | 929 | 17,5 |
9 | 812 | 15,3 |
10 | 546 | 10,3 |
11 | 379 | 7,1 |
12 | 222 | 4,2 |
13 | 116 | 2,2 |
14 | 82 | 1,5 |
15 | 45 | 0,8 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,0 |
3 | 32 | 0,6 |
4 | 191 | 3,4 |
5 | 355 | 6,3 |
6 | 579 | 10,3 |
7 | 743 | 13,2 |
8 | 933 | 16,6 |
9 | 782 | 13,9 |
10 | 535 | 9,5 |
11 | 473 | 8,4 |
12 | 361 | 6,4 |
13 | 314 | 5,6 |
14 | 179 | 3,2 |
15 | 140 | 2,5 |
Number of occurrences of the letter L | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 108688 | 60,8 |
1 | 56731 | 31,7 |
2 | 12014 | 6,7 |
3 | 1172 | 0,7 |
4 | 86 | 0,0 |
The letter R in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 1 | 0,0 |
3 | 50 | 0,5 |
4 | 185 | 1,8 |
5 | 434 | 4,1 |
6 | 961 | 9,1 |
7 | 1425 | 13,5 |
8 | 1737 | 16,5 |
9 | 1739 | 16,5 |
10 | 1347 | 12,8 |
11 | 1001 | 9,5 |
12 | 676 | 6,4 |
13 | 479 | 4,6 |
14 | 300 | 2,9 |
15 | 183 | 1,7 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 3 | 0,0 |
3 | 38 | 0,4 |
4 | 123 | 1,2 |
5 | 532 | 5,3 |
6 | 1577 | 15,7 |
7 | 2168 | 21,6 |
8 | 2076 | 20,7 |
9 | 1550 | 15,4 |
10 | 869 | 8,7 |
11 | 584 | 5,8 |
12 | 308 | 3,1 |
13 | 134 | 1,3 |
14 | 57 | 0,6 |
15 | 23 | 0,2 |
Number of occurrences of the letter R | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 86066 | 48,2 |
1 | 74227 | 41,5 |
2 | 16981 | 9,5 |
3 | 1389 | 0,8 |
4 | 28 | 0,0 |
The letter S in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 3 | 0,0 |
3 | 64 | 0,3 |
4 | 362 | 1,8 |
5 | 1084 | 5,5 |
6 | 1848 | 9,4 |
7 | 2742 | 13,9 |
8 | 3641 | 18,5 |
9 | 3336 | 16,9 |
10 | 2455 | 12,4 |
11 | 1621 | 8,2 |
12 | 1146 | 5,8 |
13 | 711 | 3,6 |
14 | 465 | 2,4 |
15 | 254 | 1,3 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,0 |
3 | 81 | 0,1 |
4 | 846 | 1,3 |
5 | 2785 | 4,2 |
6 | 4447 | 6,7 |
7 | 7800 | 11,7 |
8 | 10158 | 15,2 |
9 | 11165 | 16,7 |
10 | 9921 | 14,9 |
11 | 6630 | 9,9 |
12 | 4950 | 7,4 |
13 | 3580 | 5,4 |
14 | 2632 | 3,9 |
15 | 1736 | 2,6 |
Number of occurrences of the letter S | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 72277 | 40,4 |
1 | 72657 | 40,7 |
2 | 25824 | 14,5 |
3 | 6170 | 3,5 |
4 | 1459 | 0,8 |
5 | 263 | 0,1 |
6 | 37 | 0,0 |
7 | 4 | 0,0 |
The letter T in the word SCRABBLE-CHEAT
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 3 | 0,0 |
3 | 57 | 0,6 |
4 | 254 | 2,8 |
5 | 567 | 6,3 |
6 | 930 | 10,3 |
7 | 1399 | 15,5 |
8 | 1591 | 17,7 |
9 | 1370 | 15,2 |
10 | 971 | 10,8 |
11 | 706 | 7,8 |
12 | 490 | 5,4 |
13 | 320 | 3,6 |
14 | 221 | 2,5 |
15 | 121 | 1,3 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 4 | 0,0 |
3 | 85 | 1,0 |
4 | 331 | 3,8 |
5 | 491 | 5,6 |
6 | 858 | 9,8 |
7 | 1278 | 14,6 |
8 | 1798 | 20,5 |
9 | 1587 | 18,1 |
10 | 891 | 10,1 |
11 | 573 | 6,5 |
12 | 390 | 4,4 |
13 | 262 | 3,0 |
14 | 159 | 1,8 |
15 | 76 | 0,9 |
Number of occurrences of the letter T | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 94656 | 53,0 |
1 | 65655 | 36,7 |
2 | 16787 | 9,4 |
3 | 1556 | 0,9 |
4 | 37 | 0,0 |
The number of letters in the word SCRABBLECHEAT: 13
Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of other 13-letter words in English. Analysis by first and last letter
The first letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 502 | 6,5 |
B | 222 | 2,9 |
C | 804 | 10,4 |
D | 496 | 6,4 |
E | 381 | 4,9 |
F | 206 | 2,7 |
G | 172 | 2,2 |
H | 267 | 3,4 |
I | 602 | 7,8 |
J | 21 | 0,3 |
K | 19 | 0,2 |
L | 116 | 1,5 |
M | 457 | 5,9 |
N | 325 | 4,2 |
O | 301 | 3,9 |
P | 813 | 10,5 |
Q | 38 | 0,5 |
R | 479 | 6,2 |
S | 711 | 9,2 |
T | 320 | 4,1 |
U | 305 | 3,9 |
V | 113 | 1,5 |
W | 64 | 0,8 |
X | 5 | 0,1 |
Y | 2 | 0,0 |
Z | 9 | 0,1 |
The last letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 37 | 0,5 |
C | 268 | 3,5 |
D | 361 | 4,7 |
E | 569 | 7,3 |
G | 615 | 7,9 |
H | 21 | 0,3 |
I | 7 | 0,1 |
K | 4 | 0,1 |
L | 314 | 4,1 |
M | 98 | 1,3 |
N | 496 | 6,4 |
O | 5 | 0,1 |
P | 38 | 0,5 |
R | 134 | 1,7 |
S | 3580 | 46,2 |
T | 262 | 3,4 |
X | 3 | 0,0 |
Y | 938 | 12,1 |
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