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Words from letters EMMA

From the letters EMMA, you can form as many as 8 words - Check which ones

3 letter words:

  • mem7
  • mae5

2 letter words:

  • mm6
  • am4
  • em4
  • ma4
  • me4
  • ae2

Understanding the Word "EMMA" in Scrabble

The word "EMMA" is not just a simple four-letter name; it carries significance in various contexts, including literature, culture, and even pop culture. The name itself is of German origin, meaning 'universal' or 'whole,' and has been widely used in English-speaking countries. One of the most notable literary references is Jane Austen's novel "Emma," which explores themes of love, class, and social expectations.

In the game of Scrabble, the word "EMMA" can be particularly advantageous. As a proper noun, it is technically not valid in all Scrabble gameplay, especially under the standard English lexicon rules. However, in certain versions or house rules, its usage may be allowed. Players can utilize "EMMA" effectively in gameplay if they have previously established a few letters on the board, forming a name or integrating it into a larger word. For example, combining "EMMA" with existing letters to create compound words can lead to strategic placements that maximize points.

Considering its composition, the letters in "EMMA" represent valuable tiles: 'E' and 'M' both offer versatility for connecting with other words, while the double 'M' can strategically double the score in specific situations. Successfully playing "EMMA" could be an unexpected twist in the game, allowing players to utilize their opponents' words to their advantage or to create a high-scoring play in tight situations.

In conclusion, while "EMMA" may not be a standard entry in every Scrabble game, understanding its versatility and conceptual significance can make for strategic gameplay. Always be sure to review the rules in your specific Scrabble context to know if playing proper nouns is acceptable.

What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters EMMA?

The longest word that can be formed from the letters EMMA is the word Mae. Number of letters: 3.
The second longest word is the word Mem. Number of letters: 3.

What anagrams can be formed from the word EMMA?

Unfortunately, in English, there is no word that is an anagram of the word Emma.

How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters E,M,M,A?

The highest-scoring word that can be formed from the letters EMMA is the word Mem. The number of points that can be earned for it is: 7.The second highest-scoring word is the word Mm. The possible number of points is: 6.

How many letters does the word EMMA have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?

Word Emma - number of letters: 4. The word Emma contains vowels. The number of vowels is: 2. The list of vowels present in this word is: A, E. The word Emma contains consonants. The number of consonants is: 2. The list of consonants present in this word is: M, M.

How to properly pronounce the word EMMA?

Letter Analysis - word EMMA

The word EMMA, after removing repeating characters, consists of the letters: A, E, M. Below, we will analyze each one of them.

The letter A in the word EMMA

Words that start with the letter A
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 16 0,1
3 76 0,7
4 196 1,8
5 513 4,8
6 854 7,9
7 1292 12,0
8 1676 15,6
9 1870 17,4
10 1431 13,3
11 1074 10,0
12 741 6,9
13 502 4,7
14 323 3,0
15 207 1,9
Words ending with the letter A
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 12 0,4
3 41 1,3
4 213 6,7
5 389 12,3
6 469 14,8
7 641 20,3
8 535 16,9
9 381 12,0
10 209 6,6
11 126 4,0
12 71 2,2
13 37 1,2
14 29 0,9
15 11 0,3
Occurrences of the letter A in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter A The number of words [%]
0 82477 46,2
1 73903 41,4
2 20044 11,2
3 2108 1,2
4 156 0,1
5 3 0,0

The letter E in the word EMMA

Words that start with the letter E
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 10 0,1
3 40 0,6
4 106 1,5
5 198 2,8
6 465 6,5
7 830 11,6
8 1170 16,3
9 1286 17,9
10 1050 14,6
11 725 10,1
12 559 7,8
13 381 5,3
14 208 2,9
15 156 2,2
Words ending with the letter E
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 12 0,1
3 86 0,5
4 526 2,9
5 949 5,3
6 1785 10,0
7 2537 14,2
8 3357 18,8
9 3337 18,7
10 1951 10,9
11 1416 7,9
12 886 5,0
13 569 3,2
14 305 1,7
15 135 0,8
Occurrences of the letter E in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter E The number of words [%]
0 54448 30,5
1 77229 43,2
2 36901 20,7
3 8844 4,9
4 1165 0,7
5 104 0,1

The letter M in the word EMMA

Words that start with the letter M
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 7 0,1
3 50 0,5
4 220 2,2
5 460 4,6
6 825 8,3
7 1281 12,9
8 1547 15,5
9 1604 16,1
10 1372 13,8
11 1001 10,1
12 662 6,7
13 457 4,6
14 275 2,8
15 188 1,9
Words ending with the letter M
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 6 0,2
3 51 1,9
4 105 3,8
5 128 4,6
6 235 8,5
7 333 12,1
8 552 20,0
9 501 18,2
10 299 10,8
11 202 7,3
12 134 4,9
13 98 3,6
14 63 2,3
15 49 1,8
Occurrences of the letter M in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter M The number of words [%]
0 138422 77,5
1 35920 20,1
2 4116 2,3
3 229 0,1
4 4 0,0

The number of letters in the word EMMA: 4

Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of other 4-letter words in English. Analysis by first and last letter

Compilation of 4-letter words, sorted by the first letter
The first letter in the word The number of words [%]
A 196 4,9
B 262 6,5
C 237 5,9
D 239 5,9
E 106 2,6
F 195 4,8
G 195 4,8
H 191 4,7
I 59 1,5
J 89 2,2
K 130 3,2
L 215 5,3
M 220 5,5
N 108 2,7
O 112 2,8
P 267 6,6
Q 15 0,4
R 185 4,6
S 362 9,0
T 254 6,3
U 40 1,0
V 75 1,9
W 168 4,2
X 1 0,0
Y 74 1,8
Z 35 0,9
Summary of words with 4 letters, according to the letter they end with
The last letter in the word The number of words [%]
A 213 5,3
B 61 1,5
C 28 0,7
D 215 5,3
E 526 13,1
F 82 2,0
G 97 2,4
H 110 2,7
I 93 2,3
J 2 0,0
K 200 5,0
L 191 4,7
M 105 2,6
N 193 4,8
O 140 3,5
P 130 3,2
R 123 3,1
S 846 21,0
T 331 8,2
U 40 1,0
V 3 0,1
W 57 1,4
X 24 0,6
Y 199 4,9
Z 21 0,5

Searching for words similar to the word EMMA

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