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Words from letters DHOLS

From the letters DHOLS, you can form as many as 25 words - Check which ones

5 letter words:

  • holds9

4 letter words:

  • hods8
  • hold8
  • shod8
  • hols7
  • dols5
  • olds5
  • sold5

3 letter words:

  • hod7
  • hos6
  • ohs6
  • dol4
  • dos4
  • ods4
  • old4
  • sod4
  • sol3

2 letter words:

  • ho5
  • oh5
  • sh5
  • do3
  • od3
  • lo2
  • os2
  • so2

What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters DHOLS?

The longest word that can be formed from the letters DHOLS is the word Holds. Number of letters: 5.
The second longest word is the word Dols. Number of letters: 4.

What anagrams can be formed from the word DHOLS?

The only anagram of the word Dhols in English is the word Holds.

How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters D,H,O,L,S?

The highest-scoring word that can be formed from the letters DHOLS is the word Holds. The number of points that can be earned for it is: 9.The second highest-scoring word is the word Hods. The possible number of points is: 8.

How many letters does the word DHOLS have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?

Word Dhols - number of letters: 5. The word Dhols contains vowels. The number of vowels is: 1. The list of vowels present in this word is: O. The word Dhols contains consonants. The number of consonants is: 4. The list of consonants present in this word is: D, H, L, S.

How to properly pronounce the word DHOLS?

Letter Analysis - word DHOLS

The word DHOLS, after removing repeating characters, consists of the letters: D, H, L, O, S. Below, we will analyze each one of them.

The letter D in the word DHOLS

Words that start with the letter D
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 2 0,0
3 51 0,5
4 239 2,3
5 470 4,5
6 835 8,0
7 1282 12,3
8 1616 15,5
9 1721 16,5
10 1351 13,0
11 1018 9,8
12 752 7,2
13 496 4,8
14 344 3,3
15 225 2,2
Words ending with the letter D
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 4 0,0
3 61 0,4
4 215 1,3
5 595 3,5
6 1853 11,0
7 2616 15,6
8 3280 19,6
9 3113 18,6
10 2205 13,1
11 1394 8,3
12 780 4,7
13 361 2,2
14 211 1,3
15 82 0,5
Occurrences of the letter D in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter D The number of words [%]
0 130057 72,8
1 42818 24,0
2 5407 3,0
3 395 0,2
4 14 0,0

The letter H in the word DHOLS

Words that start with the letter H
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 5 0,1
3 50 0,8
4 191 2,9
5 349 5,4
6 592 9,1
7 896 13,8
8 1038 16,0
9 996 15,3
10 777 12,0
11 577 8,9
12 431 6,6
13 267 4,1
14 203 3,1
15 126 1,9
Words ending with the letter H
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 5 0,2
3 25 1,2
4 110 5,3
5 259 12,5
6 322 15,5
7 372 17,9
8 430 20,7
9 290 14,0
10 129 6,2
11 70 3,4
12 27 1,3
13 21 1,0
14 7 0,3
15 10 0,5
Occurrences of the letter H in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter H The number of words [%]
0 144620 80,9
1 31428 17,6
2 2593 1,5
3 50 0,0

The letter L in the word DHOLS

Words that start with the letter L
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 3 0,1
3 45 0,8
4 215 4,0
5 416 7,8
6 661 12,4
7 846 15,9
8 929 17,5
9 812 15,3
10 546 10,3
11 379 7,1
12 222 4,2
13 116 2,2
14 82 1,5
15 45 0,8
Words ending with the letter L
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 2 0,0
3 32 0,6
4 191 3,4
5 355 6,3
6 579 10,3
7 743 13,2
8 933 16,6
9 782 13,9
10 535 9,5
11 473 8,4
12 361 6,4
13 314 5,6
14 179 3,2
15 140 2,5
Occurrences of the letter L in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter L The number of words [%]
0 108688 60,8
1 56731 31,7
2 12014 6,7
3 1172 0,7
4 86 0,0

The letter O in the word DHOLS

Words that start with the letter O
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 13 0,2
3 48 0,8
4 112 1,8
5 185 3,1
6 341 5,6
7 645 10,6
8 1012 16,7
9 1065 17,6
10 880 14,5
11 646 10,7
12 439 7,2
13 301 5,0
14 213 3,5
15 157 2,6
Words ending with the letter O
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 12 1,1
3 34 3,0
4 140 12,3
5 239 21,1
6 205 18,1
7 180 15,9
8 156 13,8
9 91 8,0
10 47 4,1
11 18 1,6
12 6 0,5
13 5 0,4
14 1 0,1
Occurrences of the letter O in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter O The number of words [%]
0 98097 54,9
1 60487 33,9
2 17522 9,8
3 2379 1,3
4 201 0,1
5 5 0,0

The letter S in the word DHOLS

Words that start with the letter S
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 3 0,0
3 64 0,3
4 362 1,8
5 1084 5,5
6 1848 9,4
7 2742 13,9
8 3641 18,5
9 3336 16,9
10 2455 12,4
11 1621 8,2
12 1146 5,8
13 711 3,6
14 465 2,4
15 254 1,3
Words ending with the letter S
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 5 0,0
3 81 0,1
4 846 1,3
5 2785 4,2
6 4447 6,7
7 7800 11,7
8 10158 15,2
9 11165 16,7
10 9921 14,9
11 6630 9,9
12 4950 7,4
13 3580 5,4
14 2632 3,9
15 1736 2,6
Occurrences of the letter S in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter S The number of words [%]
0 72277 40,4
1 72657 40,7
2 25824 14,5
3 6170 3,5
4 1459 0,8
5 263 0,1
6 37 0,0
7 4 0,0

The number of letters in the word DHOLS: 5

Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of other 5-letter words in English. Analysis by first and last letter

Compilation of 5-letter words, sorted by the first letter
The first letter in the word The number of words [%]
A 513 5,7
B 621 6,9
C 681 7,6
D 470 5,3
E 198 2,2
F 441 4,9
G 433 4,8
H 349 3,9
I 120 1,3
J 139 1,6
K 220 2,5
L 416 4,7
M 460 5,1
N 208 2,3
O 185 2,1
P 581 6,5
Q 56 0,6
R 434 4,9
S 1084 12,1
T 567 6,3
U 123 1,4
V 167 1,9
W 303 3,4
X 13 0,1
Y 100 1,1
Z 56 0,6
Summary of words with 5 letters, according to the letter they end with
The last letter in the word The number of words [%]
A 389 4,4
B 38 0,4
C 99 1,1
D 595 6,7
E 949 10,6
F 55 0,6
G 93 1,0
H 259 2,9
I 153 1,7
K 187 2,1
L 355 4,0
M 128 1,4
N 380 4,3
O 239 2,7
P 123 1,4
Q 2 0,0
R 532 6,0
S 2785 31,2
T 491 5,5
U 33 0,4
V 2 0,0
W 40 0,4
X 50 0,6
Y 940 10,5
Z 21 0,2

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