Acceptable 7 letter words for Scrabble and Word with Friends starting with the letter a

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angerly11 anginal8 anginas8 angioma10 anglers8 anglice10 angling9 angoras8 angrier8 angrily11 anguine8 anguish11 angular8 anhinga11 aniline7 anilins7 anility10 animacy14 animals9 animate9 animato9 animism11 animist9 anionic9 aniseed8 anisole7 anklets11 ankling12 ankuses11 anlaces9 anlagen8 anlages8 anlases7 annates7 annatto7 anneals7 annelid8 annexed15 annexes14 annonas7 annoyed11 annoyer10 annuals7 annuity10 annular7 annulet7 annulus7 anodize17 anodyne11 anoints7 anolyte10 anomaly12 anomies9 anonyms12 anopias9 anopsia9 anoraks11 anorexy17 anosmia9 anosmic11 another10 anoxias14 ansated8 answers10 antacid10 antbear9 antefix17 anteing8 antenna7 anthems12 anthers10 anthill10 anthoid11 anthrax17 antiair7 antiars7 antibug10 anticar9 anticks13 anticly12 antifat10 antiflu10 antifog11 antifur10 antigay11 antigen8 antigun8 antijam16 antilog8 antiman9 antings8 antipot9 antique16 antired8 antisag8 antisex14 antitax14 antiwar10 antlers7 antlike11 antlion7 antonym12 antrums9 antsier7 anurans7 anurias7 anurous7 anviled11 anxiety17 anxious14 anybody16 anymore12 anytime12 anyways16 anywise13 aorists7 aoudads9 apaches14 apagoge11 apanage10 aparejo16 apatite9 apelike13 apercus11 aperies9 apetaly12 aphagia13 aphasia12 aphasic14 aphelia12 apheses12 aphesis12 aphetic14 aphides13 aphonia12 aphonic14 aphotic14 aphthae15 aphylly18 apicals11 apiculi11 apishly15 aplasia9 aplenty12 aplites9 aplitic11 aplombs13 apnoeal9 apnoeas9 apnoeic11 apocarp13 apocope13 apodous10 apogamy15 apogeal10 apogean10 apogees10 apogeic12 apollos9 apologs10 apology13 apolune9 apomict13 aporias9 apostil9 apostle9 apothem14 appalls11 apparat11 apparel11 appeals11 appears11 appease11 appends12 applaud12 applets11 applied12 applier11 applies11 appoint11 apposed12 apposer11 apposes11 apprise11 apprize20 approve14 appulse11 apraxia16 apraxic18 apricot11 aproned10 apropos11 aprotic11 apsidal10 apsides10 apteral9 apteria9 apteryx19 aptness9 apyrase12 aquaria16 aquatic18 aquavit19 aqueous16 aquifer19 aquiver19 arabesk13 arabica11 arabize18 arables9 aramids10 araneid8 araroba9 arbiter9 arbored10 arbores9 arbours9 arbutes9 arbutus9 arcaded11 arcades10 arcadia10 arcanum11 archaea12 archaic14 archean12 archers12 archery15 archfoe15 archils12 archine12 arching13 archive15 archons12 archway18 arcking14 arcsine9 arctics11 arcuate9 arcuses9 ardency13 ardours8 arduous8 areally10 areaway13 arenite7 arenose7 arenous7 areolae7 areolar7 areolas7 areoles7 argalas8 argalis8 argents8 argling9 argotic10 arguers8 arguing9 arguses8 argyles11 argylls11 aridest8 aridity11 arietta7 ariette7 ariosos7 arising8 aristae7 aristas7 aristos7 arkoses11 arkosic13 armadas10 armband12 armfuls12 armhole12 armiger10 armilla9 armings10 armless9 armlets9 armlike13 armload10 armlock15 armoire9 armored10 armorer9 armours9 armoury12 armpits11 armrest9 armsful12 armures9 arnatto7 arnicas9 arnotto7 aroints7 arousal7 aroused8 arouser7 arouses7 aroynts10 arpents9 arracks13 arraign8 arrange8 arrased8 arrases7 arrayal10 arrayed11 arrayer10 arrears7 arrests7 arrises7 arrival10 arrived11 arriver10 arrives10 arrobas9 arrowed11 arroyos10 arsenal7 arsenic9 arshins10 arsines7 article9 artiest7 artisan7 artiste7 artists7 artless7 artsier7 artwork14 arugola8 arugula8 aruspex16 asarums9 ascared10 ascarid10 ascaris9 ascends10 ascents9 asceses9 ascesis9 ascetic11 ascidia10 ascites9 ascitic11 ascribe11
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