Acceptable 5 letter words for Scrabble and Word with Friends starting with the letter s

By clicking on the selected word you will receive a list of words, words and anagrams that can be composed of its letters.

shoot8 shops10 shore8 shorl8 shorn8 short8 shote8 shots8 shott8 shout8 shove11 shown11 shows11 showy14 shoyu11 shred9 shrew11 shris8 shrub10 shrug9 shtik12 shuck14 shuln8 shuls8 shuns8 shunt8 shush11 shute8 shuts8 shwas11 shyer11 shyly14 sials5 sibbs9 sibyl10 sices7 sicko11 sicks11 sided7 sides6 sidhe9 sidle6 siege6 sieur5 sieve8 sifts8 sighs9 sight9 sigil6 sigla6 sigma8 signa6 signs6 sikas9 siker9 sikes9 silds6 silex12 silks9 silky12 sills5 silly8 silos5 silts5 silty8 silva8 simar7 simas7 simps9 since7 sines5 sinew8 singe6 sings6 sinhs8 sinks9 sinus5 siped8 sipes7 sired6 siree5 siren5 sires5 sirra5 sirup7 sisal5 sises5 sissy8 sitar5 sited6 sites5 situp7 situs5 siver8 sixes12 sixmo14 sixte12 sixth15 sixty15 sizar14 sized15 sizer14 sizes14 skags10 skald10 skank13 skate9 skats9 skean9 skeed10 skeen9 skees9 skeet9 skegs10 skein9 skell9 skelm11 skelp11 skene9 skeps11 skews12 skids10 skied10 skier9 skies9 skiey12 skiff15 skill9 skimo11 skimp13 skims11 skink13 skins9 skint9 skips11 skirl9 skirr9 skirt9 skite9 skits9 skive12 skoal9 skort9 skosh12 skuas9 skulk13 skull9 skunk13 skyed13 skyey15 slabs7 slack11 slags6 slain5 slake9 slams7 slang6 slank9 slant5 slaps7 slash8 slate5 slats5 slaty8 slave8 slaws8 slays8 sleds6 sleek9 sleep7 sleet5 slept7 slews8 slice7 slick11 slide6 slier5 slily8 slime7 slims7 slimy10 sling6 slink9 slipe7 slips7 slipt7 slits5 slobs7 sloes5 slogs6 sloid6 slojd13 sloop7 slope7 slops7 slosh8 sloth8 slots5 slows8 sloyd9 slubs7 slued6 slues5 sluff11 slugs6 slump9 slums7 slung6 slunk9 slurb7 slurp7 slurs5 slush8 sluts5 slyer8 slyly11 slype10 smack13 small7 smalt7 smarm9 smart7 smash10 smaze16 smear7 smeek11 smell7 smelt7 smerk11 smews10 smile7 smirk11 smite7 smith10 smock13 smogs8 smoke11 smoky14 smolt7 smote7 smush10 smuts7 snack11 snafu8 snags6 snail5 snake9 snaky12 snaps7 snare5 snarf8 snark9 snarl5 snash8 snath8 snaws8 sneak9 sneap7 sneck11 sneds6 sneer5 snell5 snibs7 snick11 snide6 sniff11 snipe7 snips7 snits5 snobs7 snogs6 snood6 snook9 snool5 snoop7 snoot5 snore5 snort5 snots5 snout5 snows8 snowy11 snubs7 snuck11 snuff11 snugs6 snyes8 soaks9 soaps7 soapy10 soars5 soave8 sobas7 sober7 socas7 socko11 socks11 socle7 sodas6 soddy10 sodic8 sodom8 sofar8 sofas8 softa8 softs8 softy11 soggy10 soils5 sojas12 sokes9 sokol9 solan5 solar5 soldi6 soldo6 soled6 solei5 soles5 solid6 solon5 solos5 solum7 solus5 solve8 soman7 somas7 sonar5 sonde6 sones5 songs6 sonic7 sonly8 sonny8 sonsy8 sooey8 sooks9 sooth8 soots5 sooty8 sophs10 sophy13 sopor7 soppy12 soras5 sorbs7 sords6 sored6 sorel5 sorer5
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