In English, we have 3157 words with 15 letters - below you can see which ones...
Unlock the Power of '15-Letter Words' in TWL06 and Word with Friends
If you're an avid player of word games like Scrabble or Words with Friends, mastering 15-letter words can give you a significant edge over your opponents. Within the official TWL06 dictionary, which serves as a standard for competitive play in North America, these lengthy words are not just impressive; they're strategic assets capable of earning you big points.
Why Focus on 15-Letter Words?
Interesting Facts about 15-Letter Words:
Tips for Finding 15-Letter Words:
Mastering TWL06 15-letter words not only enhances your gameplay in Scrabble and Words with Friends but also signifies a deeper understanding of the language. Start exploring today and elevate your word game prowess to new heights!
Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of 15-letter words, quantity by first letter
The first letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 207 | 6,6 |
B | 68 | 2,2 |
C | 321 | 10,2 |
D | 225 | 7,1 |
E | 156 | 4,9 |
F | 52 | 1,6 |
G | 45 | 1,4 |
H | 126 | 4,0 |
I | 306 | 9,7 |
J | 3 | 0,1 |
K | 7 | 0,2 |
L | 45 | 1,4 |
M | 188 | 6,0 |
N | 150 | 4,8 |
O | 157 | 5,0 |
P | 353 | 11,2 |
Q | 11 | 0,3 |
R | 183 | 5,8 |
S | 254 | 8,0 |
T | 121 | 3,8 |
U | 125 | 4,0 |
V | 30 | 1,0 |
W | 21 | 0,7 |
X | 2 | 0,1 |
Z | 1 | 0,0 |
Below we present the statistics of words with 15 letters, quantities according to the letter they end with.
The last letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 11 | 0,3 |
C | 83 | 2,6 |
D | 82 | 2,6 |
E | 135 | 4,3 |
G | 161 | 5,1 |
H | 10 | 0,3 |
L | 140 | 4,4 |
M | 49 | 1,6 |
N | 226 | 7,2 |
P | 6 | 0,2 |
R | 23 | 0,7 |
S | 1736 | 55,0 |
T | 76 | 2,4 |
Y | 419 | 13,3 |
In the following link, you will find a list of distributions of 15-letter words, including those with 15-letter words. Additionally, there is information about the frequency of each letter occurring in all English words, including those with 15 letters. The list of words is available in EXCEL (xlsx) format.
If you are looking for 15-letter words, use the advanced or simple word search available on our website. The advanced word search allows you to use search patterns, including those using regular expressions. In the simplified version, you enter the letters that should appear in the searched words. Links below.